One aspect of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching is a teacher’s use of a theoretical foundation to guide instructional decisions, rather than relying on imitation of another teacher or trial and error. Therefore, it is important for teachers to know factors
TUP: Scenario 1
Scenario: John teaching properties of 3-D shapes Country: UK Grade (student age): Year 9 (age 13-14) Contributed by: Anne Thwaites, University of Cambridge, UK Context – national, curricular, professional, other The National Curriculum for mathematics in England includes properties of
Responding to students' ideas
Responding to Students’ Ideas (RSI) This code includes the ability to make cogent, reasoned and well-informed responses to unanticipated ideas or suggestions from students These teachers’ responses are to students’ contributions to the (mathematical) development of the lesson. These
TUP: Scenario 2
Scenario: Heidi revising percentages Country: UK Grade (student age): Year 8 (age 12-13) Contributed by: Anne Thwaites, University of Cambridge, UK Context – national, curricular, professional, other The National Curriculum for mathematics in England includes work on fractions, decimals and
RSI: Scenario 1
Scenario: Solving problems using Schema-Based Instruction Country: Cyprus Grade (student age): Year 5 (age 10-11) Contributed by: Marilena Petrou Context – national, curricular, professional, other Schema-Based Instruction aims to develop students’ understanding of the basic relations found in arithmetic word
RSI: Scenario 2
Scenario: Róisín teaching equivalence of fractions Country: Ireland Grade (student age): 3rd class (age 8-9) Contributed by: Dolores Corcoran, St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Ireland Context – national, curricular, professional, other The Irish primary curriculum proposes that “the child should be
RSI: Scenario 3
Scenario: Christiana teaching average Country: Cyprus Grade (student age): Year 6 (age 11-12) Contributed by: Marilena Petrou Context – national, curricular, professional, other Christiana was a final year university student in a teacher praparation programme , Teacher training in Cyprus
RSI: Scenario 4
Scenario: Hans teaching fractions greater than one Country: Norway Grade (student age): Year 5 (age 11-12) Contributed by: Bodil Kleve, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences Context – national, curricular, professional, other In our present curriculum LK 06,
RSI: Scenario 5
Scenario: Heidi revising percentages Country: UK Grade (student age): Year 8 (age 12-13) Contributed by: Anne Thwaites, University of Cambridge, UK Context – national, curricular, professional, other The National Curriculum for mathematics in England includes work on fractions, decimals and
MCC: Scenario 1
Scenario: Bella discussing connections Country: UK Grade (student age): Trainee teacher Contributed by: Gwen Ineson, Brunel University, UK Context –professional Bella is at the end of her one year post-graduate teacher training course. She has completed nineteen weeks of sustained